Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Couples Therapy

I knew when I started down the road towards therapy a few months back that I wasn't going to like a lot of the work that would result.  I was afraid of the work.  I don't like it when people are upset with me - typical child of an alcoholic stuff.  Ah, yet another tale of woe - not really or at least not anymore.
At any rate this morning I got a call back from one of the couples therapists I had contacted.  We set up an appointment.  Now I have to bring C into that loop.  As I was thinking about this quick blog post I googled "Couples Therapy" for images.  One of the images that came up was the one here.  It made me laugh out loud literally. 

Laughing is good.  Thought I would share.

The road for the next little bit will be a tough one.  Laughing at the unexpected and the difficult will help.  Laughing at myself will be essential.


1. Keep breathing (still).
2. Keep moving forward - the only way through is forward.

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