Friday, May 1, 2009

The circle gets wider

Coming out is interestingly difficult and easy. At work this morning we had our usual group meeting with a social worker to process some of the more difficult things we deal with. I had told her about a "friend" who is gay and might need/want to see someone. Turns out she has dealt with us before. After our meeting I walked her out and told her that I am the friend - difficult, but easy. Again acceptance - her response was a hug and a kiss.

At home things are wonderfully difficult. We are talking with each other and continue to be very careful and loving with each other. The kids are getting some of the flak from our stress. But the wife and I are doing well.

Not that everything is rosey. She did cry herself to sleep last night as I held her. Her dream or expectation that we would grow old together is at risk. She knows this. And she fears this. As do I.

Humor remains the key I think. It has kept both of us sane - yesterday I shared this video with the wife:

The tune just keeps going through my head :)


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