At the suggestion of my therapist I took the Myers Briggs today. I am an INFP - I assume this test will confirm that. I also hate these tests - probably because of my p-ness. Yes pun intended. The goal is try to get more insight into me.

But perhaps some of the insight came with question 75 asking how in fact I behave:
When making a decision, is it more
important to you to
weigh the facts, or
consider people’s feelings and
The answer for me is crystal clear - I do consider people's feelings over weighing the facts. And that dear friends might explain why I've been stuck so long. Not only do I consider other people's feelings, I can get in there, feel them for other people and then modify what I do based on what I think someone else might feel. Talk about prior restraint!! I bind myself up in a knot over that one.
That insight is helpful. I can't change the valences, but I can recognize the weakness, the foibles to which I am prone. And then to work to overcome them. For me here considering other's feelings is still a good thing, part of who I am. But when I do so to the detriment of myself, there is no benefit to either me or the people who I am trying to protect - it becomes a lose-lose situation.
Today that's not okay.
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